Look back at 2019 Sewing

End of year 2019 reflection of what I have sewn. Sewing in 2019

Who's ready for the new year? Not me. Not yet, anyway. I still need to eat turkey and put up the tree. But, I'm enjoying the calm before the holiday storm right now.

I subscribe to a sewing magazine, Sew News, and at the end of December's issue, they included a sewing goal chart to fill out. It gave me an idea to ask you if your sewing dreams were fulfilled for 2019. Did you complete projects, use up some stash fabric, or maybe you learned something entirely new?

Leopard scarf made with sweater knit fabric. Sewing in 2019

Let's break down the year, together. This way, we can set new goals for 2020! It's gonna be a great year, can't you just feel it?

  1. How many apparel items did you make? Simple items such as a headscarf, do count. ;)

  2. How many new patterns did you sew up? Did you sew any a second or third time? A.k.a. the TNT (tried and true pattern).

  3. What new fabrics or patterns did you purchase? Maybe you even discovered a new notion?

What I sewed in 2019. Sewing to the moon, sewing blog

So now that your wheels are turning, let’s dive in a little deeper.

What type of projects do you enjoy making? An easy, one-hour bag, or do you love a three-day sewing bender? Drafting your own pattern for a special occasion, fully lined, fancy fabric dress? Or, maybe you're like me and fall in between and love to sew both types. It all depends on the mood.

A few more points the sewing chart asks you to fill out:

  • Favorite makes

  • Your proudest moment

  • Fail moment (Oh, here’s a good one)

  • A new skill

  • Classes you’ve taken

  • Challenges (good, bad, and the ugly)

  • A make that feels like you, the most

  • You planned on sewing ___________, but it didn't happen.

I encourage you to write down these prompts and make a list. Maybe start a sewing journal. I have a journal a friend gave me, maybe I’ll start using it for sewing thoughts too.

What do you want to add to your sewing dream list for 2020? Maybe you want to add more pants to sew up, or less pants. LOL. Heck, maybe you didn't sew anything this whole year because...life.

I can't wait to fill out the chart and tape it to my sewing wall.
Share your results in the comment section below. I'm really curious where everyone's at in their own sewing journey.

As always, thanks for hanging out with me, and happy sewing.




Vintage Sewing notions and pattern